Lauren's Nerdy Fun Stuff

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Weekly Game Update: September 18th - September 24th, 2022

Geez, how am I supposed to get any game time in if the weeks go by so fast! Stupid time!

This week felt pretty hectic, although talking about it will probably make it sound like nothing though lol. We finally got a new, working washer/dryer but it certainty wasn’t without some drama. Basically, the people we bought the washer/dryer from and paid to install it, wouldn’t because our old ones were on a platform. Apparently that’s against policy, so the install/delivery guy couldn’t do a thing. It was really frustrating, especially since there was no mention of such a policy anywhere, plus the same company installed our old washer/dryer in the same exact place! Regardless, the install/delivery guy was super awesome and managed to get a buddy in later that day to do the installation instead. It was pretty late by the time he came over (like 9pm) but it went smoothly and the guy was super friendly so it all worked out in the end. Still super frustrating though!

On a much better note, it was my husband and I’s 4 year married anniversary! I know I talked about wedding stuff just a few months ago, but that was more of a wedding celebration as we had already been married for a while lol. We would have had the celebration much closer to our marriage date, but COVID was rude and kept pushing it back. Anyway, to celebrate we went on our little “date circuit”, where we hit a bunch of places that we like that are also very close to each other. We have udon, buy some games, eat icecream, and buy books! So uh, my backlog might be weeping a bit after that, but it was a lot of fun so I’d say it was worth it :P

Ok that’s out of the way, so let’s get into the updates! No reading progress to update on (again) this week, but next update should have book stuff to talk about I think.

Oh and I also added a few categories! I decided I didn’t like typing out ALL of the new subscription games, so instead I’ll just be mentioning a few that I’m most interested in. I’m still adding all (or almost all) of the new additions onto the backlog, but I thought it would be better to just trim the typing down a bit I guess. Also I’m mentioning games that will be leaving subscriptions (usually just Game Pass), in some sort of hope/attempt that I’ll actually try out the ones that I’m most interested in. I doubt I’ll ever get to all of the ones I am interested in, but I can certainly try!

Game Stuff

Added (Purchases/Gifts):
Mushihime Sama (Switch)
Blood Rayne Revamped (PS4)
Blood Rayne 2 Revamped (PS4)
Pretty Girls Collection (PS4)
Pretty Girls Collection 2 (PS4)
Bayonetta 2 (Switch)
Suikoden III (PS2)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4)
Pinball Arcade (PS4)
Dangerous Driving (PS4)
Skyrim VR (PS4)
God of War (PS4)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3)
Mario Power Tennis (GC)
Mario Kart Double Dash!! (GC)

I also purchased some other stuff, but they were also on PS Plus so they don’t count against the backlog :P

Subscription Addition Highlights:
Chicory: A Colorful Tale (PS Plus)
Rayman Legends (PS Plus)
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS Plus)
Bentley’s Backpack (PS Plus)
Fuga: Melodies of Steel (Game Pass)
Beacon Pines (Game Pass)

Don’t have anything specific to mention about any of these, but they’re mostly stuff I’ve been interested in for a while. I’m not 100% sure what Beacon Pines is, but it looks cute and interesting, so I do want to give it a go!

Subscription Games That Are Leaving Soon:
Astria Ascending - I can’t really tell if I’d be interested in this or not just from a glance, so might be a good idea to give it a go. I definitely won’t expect to finish it before it leaves (cause RPG lol), but it wouldn’t hurt to get a feel for it.

Dandy Ace - I like rouglikes, so I possibly might like it?

The Procession to Calvary - I’m not typically interesting in point-n-click games, but the artstyle certainly interests me…

Subnautica: Below Zero - Not bothering trying this one since I already have a digital copy of regular Subnautica. That should be good enough to get an idea if I’d like Below Zero or not I think.

Unsighted - Probably going to pass on trying this one out. It’s not really calling to me, and I’m pretty sure it has a demo on Switch that I can try out anyway.

Visage - While I do want to expand my horizons and try some spooky horror games, I’m not really sure if I’d want to dive into this particular one or not… Seems that it might be a bit too intense for me.

Lemnis Gate (Game Pass) - I realized that this is a multiplayer only game so yep. It’s leaving Game Pass soon anyway.


Also nothing…

Current Games:
Astro Bot Rescue Mission (PS VR) - 0:45 (No change)
Everybody’s Golf (PS4) - 34:46 (+4:00)
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - 45:46 (No change)
Trails in the Sky FC (Steam) - 2:05 (+1:22)
Soul Hackers (3DS) - 1:41 (No change)
Stray (PS Plus) - 0:45 (No change)

Played But No Time Recorded:
Genshin Impact (PS5) - Doing a lot of cleanup with various quests and general Sumeru stuff. Really excited for the new patch that’s coming tomorrow!

Everybody’s Golf

I got the trophies for scoring an albatross, eagle, and a hole-in-one! Plus I got enough of each to be able to unlock some secret VS characters. I didn’t do this in a particularly legit way as I used a glitch to greatly help me out (which can only be done online), but I really wasn’t keen on grinding those out tbh. So yeah, maybe not the best way to go about it perhaps… Still, that means a few more trophies out of the way and now I basically don’t need to do anything else online! Which is great cause the servers close down in just a few days!

The only things that I could still do online to help me out would be gathering gems on the online open courses (used for upgrading custom clubs), and maybe using the glitch some more to grind out some eagles. I need 50 eagles for a secret character, and I think I have about 8… I’m still a bit undecided on that, since on one hand it would be nice to help speed that a long and not have to worry about messing up my eagles. On the other hand, I’ll still have to play a lot of regular games anyway (for a trophy to get all the challenge tournament NPCs to join your gallery), so it might not be worth it to mindlessly grind it out via the glitch. I’ll have to think on that for a bit, but I better figure that out before the servers shut down!

Regardless, next up is mostly challenging those VS characters and getting those NPCs in the gallery! So basically, lots more golf to go lol.

Trails in the Sky FC

Hey look! I actually played some more Trails in the Sky! REJOICE! All it took was asking my husband what to play. He said “That RPG you’re in the middle of playing” and there I go lol. I guess I’m just really not good at making these sort of choices myself cause I want to play everything all at once, but since I can’t do that and I can’t pick one thing to play, I play nothing or play the easiest choice ._.

Anyway, I didn’t make a huge amount of progress (but not complaining as progress is progress!) and I’m still in the prologue. Basically just did a few Bracer jobs that Estelle’s dad was supposed to do but now can’t cause he left because of potentially bad things elsewhere. No idea what that is, but I’m sure I’ll find out slowly throughout the game. Also nearly got one shot by a chest with a SURPRISE beefy monster, so that was rude!

The next big task is delivering something for the mayor (or something like that), so we’ll see how it goes from there! I’ve gotten past this point on my first playthrough attempt, so I know a little bit about what happens with a certain schoolgirl related to that quest. I don’t remember too many of the specifics though lol.

Backlog Update

Backlog: 2287 (+35)
Time to Beat: 46,661 hrs (+641 hrs)

NUMBERS GO BOOM! A fair number of big beefy games got added to the backlog, so I’m not surprised about the sharp increase lol. I suspect that Suikoden III contributed the most to that with the over 60 hours gametime. Also there were a ton of new PS Plus games, so that always adds a lot even if many of which were fairly short games.

And that’s it! Next week I definitely want to keep grinding away at Everybody’s Golf, and I hope that I can keep the Trails in the Sky train going! One thing that will very likley help with that is that I should be getting a Steam Deck very soon!

While technically it doesn’t officially support Trails in the Sky, it looks like some players got it working just fine with some tweaks! Honestly it sounds like it’s considered unplayable mainly because the beginning videos anyway, and since I’m already past that, I think I don’t have to worry about it regardless. Assuming that it does work, that will make Trails in the Sky MUCH easier for me to play! Playing it on my laptop is fine sure, but not exactly as cozy as lounging on the couch/bed.

I think I’d also like to get some progress in Stray too cause I think it should be a good breather type game. It’s cozy (mostly), short, and fairly simple so it would be nice to get it out of the way. I’d love to make progress in everything else too of course (I feel bad that I haven’t touched them in a while ugh), but we’ll see how it goes.