Lauren's Nerdy Fun Stuff

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Weekly Game Update: October 23rd - October 29th, 2022

Ugh, another week already! A really unproductive one too sadly. Just ugh stuff. Also I went to a memorial on Sunday (October 30th, so technically not for this week’s update but whatever lol), so I think the lead up towards that took out a lot of energy as well :( Really just an unproductive month in general I think but oh well… Oh, one nice thing though was that it was me and my husband’s 11th year anniversary together! We mostly just hung out and chilled, but it was nice :)

Anyway, guess let’s just get on to the updates! I did some slight rearranging, and I decided to add in stuff I watched as well this time. I’ve been wanting to take note of that anyway so mind as well lol. I’ll try not to go into too much depth though cause these posts already take me so long to write ._.

Watching Stuff

Dude, Where’s My Car? (2000)

My husband and I watched this for our anniversary lol. Perhaps a weird pick, but I’ve been wanting to watch it for a while since my husband kept talking it up. I’d say I enjoyed it! It’s super dumb, stoner humour but it’s fun and over the top.

The Pink Panther (1963)*


I have dinner with my in-laws most Friday nights, and afterwards we usually watch a movie or a few episodes of a TV show. The original Pink Panther was the pick for this Friday. I’ve already seen it a few times before, but it’s been a while since my last watch and I remember really enjoying it, so I certainly didn’t mind. And I still really enjoyed it! It is a bit on the slower side compared to the other Pink Panther movies (from what I can remember anyway), but I love the humour and the various twists and turns.

It was also pretty funny that I finally could tell who one of the antagonists was in here. I feel really silly about it, because it is VERY obviously revealed at the beginning! On previous watches, I just couldn’t figure out that it was an obvious reveal because I really struggle with identifying faces. The character does a few wardrobe changes (including changing their hair) so I think that really threw me off. I only got the reveal this time since I’ve already watched the movie several times before lol.

Regardless, I really want to re-watch the other Pink Panther movies. And maybe check out more movies with Peter Sellers in it. I also really enjoyed David Niven, so it might be worth seeing if he’s in anything else interesting as well.

Book Stuff

No progress with Art Before Breakfast or The Tea Enthusiast’s Handbook, so nothing to update there.

Wires & Nerve Vol 1 (Marissa Meyer) - Done!

I was finally able to check out the first volume of Wires & Nerve, a comic that explains some stuff after the events of the main Lunar Chronicles series. I really enjoyed it! It was fun, had some good action, and it was nice to see more focus on Iko. I also liked seeing the various characters visually for the first time. Can’t really say if they look like anything that I imagined them to be, but that’s not saying much considering I don’t visualize things well at all lol.

Unfortunately this volume leaves off on a weird spot and kind of feels like ending halfway through a book, rather than leaving off at the end of a book in a series. It just kind of ends? Oh well. I already have a hold on the second volume, so we’ll see when I can check that out. Currently the estimate is at 3 weeks, but it’s usually shorter than that since others often return books early. We shall see though!

Game Stuff

Added (Purchases/Gifts):

Subscription Addition Highlights:
Not many new additions, so not really all that much to highlight this time. One game that does look interesting however, is Frog Detective: The Entire Mystery. I don’t really know anything about it, but it looks cute and fun!


Also nothing…

Games Played

Everybody’s Golf (+0:33)

Didn’t really play all that much, but I did beat another Versus character. Yay, minimal progress!

Currently Playing

Astro Bot Rescue Mission (PS VR) - 0:45 (No change)
Everybody’s Golf (PS4) - 36:18 (+0:33)
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - 50:08 (No change)
Trails in the Sky FC (Steam) - 3:42 (No change)
Soul Hackers (3DS) - 1:41 (No change)
Stray (PS Plus) - 0:45 (No change)
Genshin Impact (PS5)

Backlog Update

Backlog: 2307 (+3)
Time to Beat: 47,139 hrs (+113 hrs)

Numbers doing their numbery thing! I’m actually surprised that the hours jumped up so much though, since all of the new games added were quite short. Probably a game already on the backlog got a big time adjustment or something. Too bad I can’t really figure out which game (it would just be interesting to see) but it doesn’t really matter much lol.

So yep, that’s it for this week. Hopefully I can get my October wrap-up posted soon as well! And can I play more games please??