Weekly Game Update: October 16th - October 22nd, 2022

Oof, I really need to start putting these together earlier. I want to post these on Sunday, but it’s a bit of a squeeze if I start it on the same day. Oh well lol. Late is better than never?

This week was certainly something… I can’t say that I got a whole lot done, but I feel like I’m hardly to blame this time cause it was incredibly smokey outside! It was seriously the worst it’s ever been this year. Yuck. It did clear up closer to the end of the week, thanks to the rain, but it certainty wasn’t pleasant when the smoke was around.

It wasn’t all bad though thankfully. I did manage to get some stuff done that has been bugging me for a while, like making a few important doctor appointments, doing some house cleanup, and replacing some light bulbs that I kept pushing off to do later. I did all that while feeling extremely mentally crappy (hence the doctor appointments), so hey that’s something. My husband was great and really helped a lot with all that too.

I didn’t play that much game wise and didn’t do any reading, but I’m trying to count my wins when I get them lol. Anyway, update time!

Game Stuff

Added (Purchases/Gifts):
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse (PS5)*
Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero (PS5)
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier (Switch)
Valis II (Switch)
Valis III (Switch)

*This was already in the backlog on a different platform (3DS I think?), so I just replaced it with this version.

Subscription Addition Highlights:
There’s actually quite a few additions this week that I’m interested in!

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Definitive Edition (PS Plus) - I haven’t really played much of Grand Theft Auto (just a small amount of 5) but I’m certainly am interested in giving one of them a go. Not sure if this a good one to try out or not but it’s there I guess lol. Also I guess I should check whether the newer remasters have been fixed or not…

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey & 3 Remastered (PS Plus) - Another series that I’m interested in trying but I haven’t played much of! Previously I’ve only played a little of the first game and a bit of Black Flag. I did enjoy what little I played of them but my computer at the time couldn’t handle either games well, and whatever weird launcher I had to use for Black Flag was awful too. I probably would pick a different entry to jump into first though.

Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2 (PS Plus) - I like what little I’ve played of Dragon Quest, and certainly am down for a Musou game, so I suspect that I’d enjoy these! Plus I’ve heard good things about both titles.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (PS Plus) - I know this isn’t exactly the most well liked Castlevania game, but I still want to try it out regardless for some reason lol. This one is a PS3 streaming title though so not sure if it will run well or not. I haven’t given a go with steaming PS Plus games yet, so I’ll have to mess around with that I guess and see how it goes.

Subscription Games That Are Leaving Soon (Oct 31st):
Quite a few of these seem interesting to me, but we’ll see what I get around to trying out before they leave lol.

Backbone - Already tried this one out a while ago. Didn’t like it at all, so not going to miss this one.

Project Wingman - I like the idea of flying around in speedy planes, but I haven’t really played any games like that so I’m not sure what to think of this one. Could be fun, could be boring. Might be worth a shot before it leaves?

Bassmaster Fishing 2022 - This probably isn’t an amazing game or anything (and it certainly isn’t a looker either), but I like fishing games so I might try it out. If I miss my chance I won’t be too particularly sad about it though.

Nongunz - An action rougelike platformer could be something I’d enjoy, but my first impressions of it aren’t all that good. Something about the graphics style makes it seem really hard to read maybe? Still, trying it out wouldn’t hurt.

The Forgotten City - Not sure how this game plays at all, but I feel like I’ve heard good things about it. I thought this started out as a Skyrim mod or something like that, but I might be misremembering.

Alan Wake’s American Nightmare - I haven’t played regular ole Alan Wake yet, but apparently this is a standalone? Not sure if it’s better to play Alan Wake first anyway though.


Also nothing…

Current Games:
Astro Bot Rescue Mission (PS VR) - 0:45 (No change)
Everybody’s Golf (PS4) - 36:18 (+1:09)
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - 50:08 (+4:22)
Trails in the Sky FC (Steam) - 3:42 (No change)
Soul Hackers (3DS) - 1:41 (No change)
Stray (PS Plus) - 0:45 (No change)

Played But No Time Recorded:
Genshin Impact (PS5) - Mostly derping around, collecting random stuff and hunting for chests lol.

Progress Updates

Everybody’s Golf

Didn’t spend a lot of time playing this week, but I did manage to knock out a few more Versus characters.

I also did a few of the tournament things and got some more characters for the encyclopedia (I feel so weird saying it like that though lol). Now that I’m at the max golfer level and don’t need to worry about EXP, I’ve been playing these on Gimmie Mode (instead of whatever the harder difficulty is called) which is so much nicer. It just makes it less stressful, since I don’t have to worry as much about my score. It’s also been fun trying out the custom club that I worked on. It’s not particularly accurate, but it’s super beefed up in power. It makes getting those better scores a lot easier, since I generally need way fewer hits to get the ball in.

Oh and something new here is that every so often while you’re playing, you’ll get a little challenge. Stuff like hitting the ball into a certain area without hitting a tree or sinking the ball on your current hit. I haven’t been able to complete any of them yet, but you get a few gems if you are able to pull them off! It would be nice to get another set of custom clubs (maybe something that’s not quite as powerful but has a bit more accuracy maybe lol), so I’ll try to do them when I see them.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Wow, I finally get back to this, only after what? A bajillion years lol? That aside, I did make some good progress on getting 100% of the trophies!

I cleaned up the rest of the stuff I needed to do for the Frozen Wilds DLC. I only had to finish up a few quests and use a few of the newly added abilities. It actually went a lot quicker than I was expecting!

However, now I’m at the final hurdle: completing New Game+ on Ultra Hard difficulty. Honestly the prospect of doing this was stressing me out, and it was the only thing that made me consider not going for 100%. Eventually though, I did start it up! While yes, it’s certainly difficult so far, it’s definitely not as awful as I had been expecting. I’m not very far into the game yet, so yeah it’s definitely going to get more difficult, but at least I’m not quite as worried about it as I was before. We’ll see how it goes though!

Backlog Update

Backlog: 2304 (+14)
Time to Beat: 47,026 hrs (+280 hrs)

Yep no surprises here lol. All of the games I added myself are on the shorter side (I think the lengthiest is about 8-10 hours long), but many of the PS Plus additions were quite hefty. I guess this time I can blame PS Plus for wrecking my numbers! :P

And that’s it! Hopefully in the next week will go better since there is no more smoke! :)


Weekly Game Update: October 23rd - October 29th, 2022


Weekly Game Update: October 9th - October 15th, 2022