Weekly Game Update: November 20th - November 26th, 2022

Wooo weekly update time! Not too much happened this week, but I think I've gotten some of my medical stuff in a much better place. I've certainly put a lot of hours into my game time, while also doing some other hobby-related stuff, so I'd say it's not making anything worse at the very least!

Let's get into those updates!

Book Stuff

No progress with The Tea Enthusiast’s Handbook or Art Before Breakfast.

DONE: Wires & Nerve Vol 2 (Marissa Meyer) - 336pgs

I finally was able to check this out from the library, and I'm glad to finally close off the story here. This continues the story from the first volume, and all the things kick off. Lots of action and some good character building too. Maybe the ending was a little quick, but I probably would of felt that regardless of how it ended lol. Comics always go by so quickly for me so it's a bit difficult to avoid that feeling of going to fast.

And with that, I've read all of the books in the Lunar Chronicles series! I guess there are a few short stories around that I could also read, but that's all the main stuff. Always a bit sad to finish off a series, but at the same time I'm also glad that I finally can check it off my list of series to finish lol. I definitely want to read other books by this author in the future!

NEW: The Light of All That Falls (James Islington) - 19/814 pgs

Finally got started with this, the final book in the Licanius Trilogy! So far I've just read the prologue but there's already a lot of good stuff going on with the plot. Really excited to really get into it!


Game Stuff

Added (Purchases/Gifts):
River City Girls Zero (PS4)

Subscription Addition Highlights:
Game Pass: +1 game

Just one new subscription game this week! Technically Game Pass added some others, but they were mostly game previews (which I guess are demos or beta versions of the game?). Also one of them was an EA Play title which I am NOT touching lol. I really don't want to use EA's special launcher or whatever.

Gungrave G.O.R.E. (Game Pass) - So this is the one new addition to the backlog, and I know very little about it. I know it's some sort of action game, and I know that there was at least one Gungrave game on the PS2, but that's about it lol. It's probably not something that I'll dive into any time soon unless I hear some good things about it.

Games Played

DONE FOR NOW: Everybody's Golf (PS4) - 36:51 (+/- 0:00)

No game time this week, but after thinking about it, I decided to put Everybody's Golf aside for now. I know I was in the middle of getting the platinum for it, and I still would like to do that, but right now I think I need a break from it. I really want to focus more on the unbeaten games I'm currently playing, plus there's some other games I'd like to play that I'm much more excited for.

DONE FOR NOW: Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - 50:08 (+/- 0:00)

Basically the same thing as Everybody's Golf. I'm not really excited to get back to playing it right now, so I think I need to put it aside for now.

DONE FOR NOW: Pocket Card Jockey (3DS eshop) - 35:35 (+6:14)

I'm also putting aside Pocket Card Jockey for now, but for a bit of a different reason than the previous two games. The main reason I want to put it aside is that it's become super frustrating to play as a game to beat!

I've mentioned it before, but to beat the game you need to get first in the Royal Derby. Since I finally figured out the specific requirements to get entered into this derby, I was able to get in 4 or 5 more attempts at it. Every time I was SO CLOSE. Most of the time I wouldn't even mess up and my horse would have competitive stats compared to the other horses in the race, but I'd still come out short. I guess you either need a horse with mega crazy stats or you need to play the most ideal plays 100% of the time or something? I dunno, but it was just too much for me.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the game! I just don't think it works for me to put so much pressure on beating that one derby to beat it. I'll be putting it aside for now, removed it from the backlog, and put it in a new shelf called "Endless". Basically I'll just treat it as a quick pick up and play distraction type of game that I can't beat, rather than something with a definitive end goal. If I do eventually beat it, great, but I think it's better for me to not worry about that for this game.

Genshin Impact (PS5) - 187:21 (+5:52)

I've now completely cleared all of my quests! It's so strange seeing an empty quest log lol.

There was one particular quest that I had been struggling with for a long time, and I even got that done! The part I struggled with involved killing several, very beefy enemies in 30 seconds. I would sometimes almost get it, but no matter how many times I tried, I just couldn't quite get them all in time. Well, I turned to the Internet for this one and I found a way to cheese it! Basically you just lure the enemies to jump off a nearby cliff lol. It still was fairly tricky to do and it took me a few tries, but hey at least I finally did it! :D

I also did a lot of hunting around for chests and other doodads in the Enkanomiya & Inazuma regions. While it was a little bit tricky at times to figure out what I still needed to find & collect, I just really enjoy this sort of hunting around for stuff lol.

I really had mixed feelings about the main world mechanic in Enkanomiya, which basically involves switching the time between day & night. Some things can only be done at a certain time of day, and many puzzles involve switching between the two times. You can only switch the time at certain places though and they're not marked on the map! It was really annoying trying to figure out where the nearest one was, but thinking about it, I guess I could have just marked it on the map myself... Oh well lol.

Regardless, at the end of it all I got a lot of primogems and Inazuma sigils! With the sigils, I managed to finally max out the level with this big tree thing in Inazuma (basically you hand in sigils to level it up and you get rewards). I have been wanting to do that for a long while, so that was another thing that I felt great about finishing! Bonus is that I got a trophy for maxing it out :P

Next up, I might try and get some of the remaining chests and such in the Inazuma area. I could also go hunting around in the new Sumeru area, but I'm probably going to wait on that until I at least get the ability to make a treasure compass. Without it, I kinda run around like a headless chicken trying to find those few chests that I missed so I'd like to avoid that lol.

Harvestella (Switch) - 9:27 (+7:07)

I think I'm really getting into this now! I've finished the first and second dungeons, and a new task request mechanic thing was introduced (I love checking off things and getting rewards for doing so lol). I've expanded my farm and have more money to buy seeds with, which means more money! Currently I'm saving up for space for animals so I can get eggs and milk. I think I'm getting close to affording the space renovation, but I have no clue how much the animals are, so we'll see how long it takes for me to save up for one lol.

Oh and churros (from the HLTB forums) asked about the load times last time I played, and this time I paid more attention to that! I'd say that transitioning from area to area is on the lengthier side. Definitely no instant transitions here. I didn't use a timer or anything to see how long they were, but I did a rough count in my head, and I'd say that most of the transition load times are around 4-6 seconds? More like 3 when going into a small area, like a shop or a house. Obviously that's just a very rough count and it's probably a bit off, but hopefully it gives a bit of an idea? I have heard that the PC version is much faster though.

Anyway, I'm excited to continue playing! I'm off to the next dungeon, a new town, and soon it will be Summer!

No Progress

Astro Bot Rescue Mission (PS VR) - 0:45 - I really need to re-setup my VR headset so I can get back into this ._.
Trails in the Sky FC (Steam) - 3:42

Backlog Update

Backlog: 2329 (+1)
Time to Beat: 47,608 hrs (-40 hrs)

Woo those are nice numbers! Gungrave G.O.R.E. probably doesn't have a time to beat estimation yet though, so that's probably going to go up randomly at some point.

And that's it! Not really much else to say other than I'll just continue doing what I'm doing I guess! Except play some more Trails in the Sky though please!


November 2022 Monthly Update


Weekly Game Update: November 13th - November 19th, 2022