Get the Platinum! - Everybody’s Golf (PS4)

So I beat Everybody’s Golf already, but I’m still going at it for the trophies! I thought it would be helpful to keep track of what I still need to do I guess lol. Some of these need to be done sooner rather than later as well if I want the platinum, cause once the servers close later this month, they will become unobtainable!

I’ll list the stuff I need to do in somewhat order of priority. Basically stuff that needs online will be the most important to do first, and the stuff that isn’t helped by online at all will be the least important.

Oh and I’ll be grouping multiple trophies into one task, cause some of them have similar or basically the same requirments. No need to explain the same thing multiple times lol.

Stuff Left to Do

Top Priority

Complete the Fish Encyclopedia - I still find it so strange that this is the trophy I need to prioritize the most lol. This is such an annoying fishing trophy in a golfing game! Anyway, this one is top priority since you MUST go online to do this. You can do some fishing offline at your home base, but most of the fishes you need are on the online open courses. You just go around the various courses and fish. It’s a pretty simple mini-game, but unfortunately it looks like it will be quite the grind. Thankfully I don’t have to get the fish that are at the DLC courses, but there’s still 58 fishes to catch ._. I have started fishing already, but still have a lot more to go.

High Priority

Score 5 Albatrosses, 3 Condors, and a Hole-in-One - I feel like it’s pretty obvious what I need to do for these lol. For those who don’t know golfing terms, an albatross is when you get 3 strokes under par, condor is 4 strokes under, and hole-in-one is self explanatory but must be done on a par 5 course to count for a trophy. Some of these requirements aren’t needed for their own trophies (only need 1 albatross and 1 condor for a trophy each), but are required to unlock some secret VS characters, which you need to beat.

Why are these high priority? Because those condors and a hole-in-one are really hard to get! Albatrosses are difficult too, but they’re not in the same difficulty level at all. Apparently it’s easier to get them in the online open courses, but I’m still not sure how to go about that yet. I think one method is using someone else’s glitched character and doing a glitch to get into a good spot? I’m not sure exactly, but I certainly want to go for the easier route with these shots I think.

I think I might already have 1 albatross, but I have yet to get a condor or a hole-in-one.

The Rest

All of the other trophy stuff. All of these don’t require online to do. Maybe some could benefit from online, but I’m less worried about these trophies than the ones listed previously.

Sink the Ball with a Spiral Shot, Rising Shot, and a Homing Shot - These are three different special kinds of shots that you can use to sink the ball. I sort of know how to use them, but definitely not well enough to sink the ball so far lol. These might take a little while, but not as long as some of the other trophies.

Defeat All VS Characters - For this one, you need to re-beat all of the VS characters you faced in the tournament, plus a bunch of secret characters. The secret characters you unlock my doing certain things (like doing a certain number of matches, getting albatrosses, and getting condors), but with the rest, one will randomly show up each real-life day. So, kind of slow and annoying, but at least I won’t need to worry about online anything for most of these. Getting those particular shots for the secret characters might be easier online though (as stated before).

Get All NPCs from the Challenge Tournament to Join the Gallery - When you do a challenge tournament thing (basically the offline 9 or 18 hole courses), you face up against a bunch of NPCs. If you beat an NPC’s score by 3 strokes or more (I think it’s 3 anyway), they join your gallery. Unfortunately it’s kind of random who shows up for which tournament and NPCs that are already in your gallery will still show up in other tournaments. Also there are a TON of NPCs to get, so yay grindy RNG. This trophy will probably take the longest to get, but thankfully this can 100% be done offline. Nothing online will make this easier too (for better or for worse lol).

And that’s everything! It doesn’t look like a lot when I list it out like that, but unfortunately there’s quite a few in there that will be difficult and/or grindy. Still, I’ll try to do my best to get the trophies I need before the servers shut down!


Weekly Game Update: August 28th - September 3rd, 2022


August 2022 Game Update