Weekly Game Update: June 19th - June 25th, 2022

Geez it’s time for a weekly update already?! Honestly, I barely have much recollection of what even happened this week… I guess there was a lot of wedding planning getting done (I’m already married, but we’re finally having the ceremony next month! Lots of delays no thanks to COVID), so that probably took up a lot of time? It’s also been very hot lately, so even though we have some good A/C, I think that might have been very draining as well.

So with all that, not a whole lot to update cause not a whole lot was played this week. I did however, start a new game (yay!), played one of the many demos I downloaded over that Steam indie showcase thing, and purchased a bunch of games from a sale on the 3DS eshop. Maybe I picked up too many Picross games, but I’m trying to pick up as many games as I can (that I want) from the eshop before it closes! I’m pretty sure that I now have all of the Picross games developed by Jupiter, so yay for that?

Alright, now on to the updates!

What Happened This Week?

Total War: Three Kingdoms (Game Pass)
Kingdom’s Item Shop (3DS)
Picross e (3DS)
Picross e2 (3DS)
Picross e3 (3DS)
Picross e4 (3DS)
Picross e5 (3DS)
Picross e6 (3DS)
Picross e7 (3DS)
Picross e8 (3DS)
Cave Story’s Secret Santa (Steam)*
Yume Nikki (Steam)*
Juniper’s Knot (Steam)*
Dagon: by H.P. Lovecraft (Steam)*

*These games were all free but had been sitting untouched on my Steam wishlist forever. Thought it might be better to just add them to the list so I’m less likely to forget about them lol.

Soul Hackers (3DS)


Demos Played:
Aces & Adventures (Steam)

Current Games:
Everybody’s Golf (PS4) - 10:49 (+2:50)
Soul Hackers (3DS) - 1:41 (+1:41)

Progress Updates

Aces & Adventures

This was one of the demos I downloaded from Steam during the indie game showcase thingy. I downloaded a whole bunch of demos, but I didn’t get around to playing them during the event like I initially planned. Oh well. They’re already downloaded so I guess I’ll just go through them when I have the time lol.

Anyway, Aces & Adventures is a fantasy themed deck-building RPG where the combat is sorta centered around poker hands. The demo didn’t showcase much of the deck-building aspects, but you do get to play around with a few different characters that each play quite differently from each other. Battles are decided by either who has the highest valued card (if one card is played), or who has the best pair, 3 of a kind, or 4 of a kind. You can also use special cards (that are character specific) to do a bunch of various things to help you out. Apparently you can also use valid 5-card Poker hands, but it’s not very clear what’s allowed and what isn’t. I also know diddly squat about Poker hands so that probably doesn’t help lol.

I felt like it was a bit unclear on how the mechanics worked, but I think I managed to understand it well enough in the end. It was a little bit frustrating until I got to that understanding point though. I did enjoy myself in the end, but I’m not sure that it’s something that I would get on release. I think I’ll keep my eye on it though.

Everybody’s Golf

I passed Rank 3, so now I’m onto Rank 4! I’m currently having a little bit of trouble with Rank 4, as the VS character I need to defeat is giving me a lot of trouble. The paticular courses for that challenge is pretty rough for me, as it’s very easy to get out of bounds with all of the cliffs around… That being said, I usually only lose by a small margin, so hopefully I’ll be able to get past that soon.

I also got the trophies for making a really long drive (I think that’s the very first shot?) and a really long putt, so heck yeah! Keep on coming, trophies!

Soul Hackers

There isn’t anything more to update from the last post so… yeah. I made that start post late last night so I haven’t had a chance to play more lol.

Backlog Update

Backlog: 1557 games (+12)
Time to beat: 1443 days, 2 hrs (+6 days, 19 hrs)

Yep, numbers are still going up lol. Most of the added games aren’t particularly long, but those Picross games do add up!

Total War: Three Kingdoms is also a particularly beefy one at around 65 hours to beat. It is outside of the genres I normally play though, so I guess if I really don’t like it then that will be a nice big number drop lol. Even if it’s not my usual fare, I do still want to give it a shot at some point. Who knows, maybe I’ll end up loving it :)

That’s all the updates for this week! Next week, I of course want to continue making progress with my current games, but I’m also REALLY hoping to start Trails in the Sky. I just need life stuff to pause for two seconds!! Please? Regardless, as usual we’ll have to see how it goes lol.


June 2022 Game Update


Game Start! Soul Hackers (3DS)